*Happy 15,000 views fly larvae!! This blog is long enough for the next 4 weeks, if not years. We are moving to Westport, Ct. YIKES! We will be busy missing you and you will be busy doing whatever the third F it is that you do:D* xoxoxoxo!
Songs: It's All Over Now by Eric Hutchinson Glow by Donovan Frankenreiter |
Actually, love Instagram! Follow me@ susiesaraf |
About last post*. Due to responses...have to rat myself out. Despite my ULTRA CHARMING up front personality;D- socially- I'm half hermit, half hermit. Occasionally, I will 'spit' for a friend. It's a term from my former days as rapper ZQ. A friend shares their pain and I'll write a blog on behalf. I must be getting better at writing cause so many thought I was talking about myself. No, no, no! The place where I said I was, I was. Also, I don't cyber stalk. I barely check my own feed, less anyone else's. If it weren't for pimpin' this blog, I'd be FB free, so- no worries. I am thrilled everyone is out having fun.
My idea of fun? Any night I get to spend curled up with my lil hommies. Be it watching Alaska The Last Frontier, chatting, reading or writing my book:)) I have no idea what I'm missing. Or had no idea. Now fack off and stop telling me to see!
winter fun |
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summer fun |
OK, SO. Currently, I'm three weeks back on Long Island, the (516), from five weeks in serene, well-paced and peaceful Maine. I am now more or less, mostly less, reintegrated into my typical ballistic, unsettled, closed-off self. However, for a while I was calm, serene and possibly even- vulnerable.
Someone had the misfortune of asking me how it was to be back. "It's a shit-show." May not have helped that my Songza playlist was "Bad B*tch Alert" -female rappers going off non-stop about their amazing vagina's and how hard core they be's, but...
This was my third day home:
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Long Beach Boardwalk at night - best! |
2.) 1pm - National Beach. Long Beach, NY. Finagled a beach pass from 16 year old beach chair attendant- head phones on, gum snapping, tan-bombin'girlfriend waved us in to the beat of something Beyonce. LOVED HER. That's the way you handle your age appropriate beach job. However, the party ended there. Next. Harranged by a large broom yielding power-crazed public bathroom attendant. She started yelling at me the second I walked in. I ignored crazy. I had one kid in my arms and two waiting by the outdoor showers. I had no time to get into it with ol lady cookoocoo. That screamer would have made better use of her bristles by riding them then by nearly splashing me with the surface slime she insisted on swooshing all over the bathroom floor.
The reason my feet escaped the vile public beach sauce? As soon as I caught sight of the broom coming my way I got clear. My voice behind the bathroom stall door told her (my three year old straddled me koala style as I peed) that if she came an inch closer with that thing, she'd be sucking the slushy sand stew up for lunch. Through a straw! Who am I? I'm a mama bear with claws, that's who. Back the broom up.
3.) 11am-I called the effeminate twit I needed to buy a beach pass from a "Fucking LOSER!" Not my finest hour, nor our first collision. Though he had aged a generation, (even managing to grow some stubble), I immediately recognized him from a few years ago. This man-kid had the most evil energy and I went right in, again. No beach pass for me!
Us, actually, as I was not alone.
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Are you taking an attitude with ME? (btw-lol-I was not posing for my son. Jules took this while HRH told him to put on his flops. "Now.") |
My eldest son, Colbert, (8, double water sign) battled tears while staring at me, stick-still embarrassed by his mom's new level of crazy. Likely feeling literally the son of a bitch. My middle guy, Jules, (6, fire and earth) smiled in awe and said, "awesome," in a voice alarmingly akin to Spicoli -(please click that link). My youngest, Hank, (3, earth and air) threw his head back and laughed so loud I almost thought it was worth it... I know, so bad. I'm still not sure if his cackle was born from pleasure or wanting to prove he was part of the conversation. Fine, I know he just wanted to belong. A mom can dream!
My latest bookmark, he still loves me, third F and all-phew! |
I was horrified at myself, eventually. It took ten minutes of cooling down while explaining to my kids why Mom had gone postal. I mean, I knew I was in the wrong as it was happening, but horrified? That had to sink in. I'm telling you this kid was eeeevvviiill. The guilt crept in on me the way truth over ego = shame- always does. Are you aware of that formula? I just made it up. Seems true enough. Then Colbert, oldest, (did I write 'eldest' earlier? There's that HRH again), finally gathered himself to ask the question most on his mind.
"Why did you use the third 'F'?" His eyes were the saddest brown, his hair the darkest tawny. "You said The third F Mom? You used the third F and Loser."
*When he was five he came up with a system for F's. Cursing hurt his heart.
First F= friggin'
Second F= freakin'
Third F= you got it. Bombs away.
Welcome back to the NY Party. Cars sped by us as if it were a racetrack, not abutted to family beach parking. Honking and speeding.
"Have I spoken like that to anyone else?"I asked, in a creepy sweet mom voice, while making sure they stayed on the sidewalk.
"That is not true! Dad..." I said. OMG. Are Mother of the Year nominations out yet? It's all mine.
"No," he said.
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Easy breezy Goose Rocks Beach |
"It's like the Discovery Channel," Jules, (fire/ earth) said.
"Exactly," I said. I corralled all of them back up away from the street traffic and onto the sidewalk for what felt like the millionth terrifying time. "If you treated lions like house cats would you survive?"
"No," Colbert (double water) said, but he still didn't like it. Or me, he still didn't like me.
"My job is to keep you safe," I said, as if I had done my job. All of their faces said otherwise. My guilt began eclipsing my anger, ugh. "Okay, I should not have used the third F, that made you feel unsafe, I'm sorry. It made me feel unsafe too. Plus, I shouldn't have let that (little pussy) cat get the best of me," I said. "Sometimes you have to be a predator or else you're prey. I'm not prey."
"No, (you're not)," Colbert said. I must admit, my sons convinced I wasn't prey made me happy. My kids can think I'm nuts, but they cannot think I won't be able to protect them. Then, shaking his head as if recalling my outburst, he finally giggled.
Oh my gosh he's so cute, it's crazy. Then he thought for a moment and asked. "Am I prey, Mom?"
I stopped walking. Looked him straight in the eyes and lied.
Cause we all are... sometimes.
I love New York. Of course I do. I first, second and third F love it. It's home, I've been here pretty much my entire life, that's why I can bag on it out loud. It's mine. You can hate out loud what's yours but not somebody else's. Them the rules. Thing is? I'm kinda done. It's a combination of too much energy, cars, honking, (where else do people honk? Jersey?) congestion, noise, weather, taxes... stuff that grates on the nerves. Reintegrating was tough. I'm tired of tough. I'm tired period.
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Maine - Damn I look good. (But where did my boobs go? Kids. Not only do they take your boobs, they take your dreams!:) |
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Country roads take me home! |
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THANKS MOM! Her insane LB condo is for sale;( |
After spending over a month on The Freedom Farm, where the guy who owned it back in 1948-raised money, boated over and rehabbed Eastern European families from WWII, gave them language, a trade, the will to live and the means to do it, for free... I'm a bit weary of having windows slammed in my face and nearly being run over by grease balls and threatened by brooms. As per the Maineyac post. Some may mock how quickly I adapted. Sure, I bet you wish I'd shut the third F up and go back already. I don't blame you. Who wants to keep hearing about the new friend? However, the difference in how people treat one another outside of this bubble of quick and nasty is literally astonishing. I don't mind saying so. I'm not talking about friends and every single person! Of course not.
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What? |
been accused of being a mid-westerner many times! So they must be duh-ope! I'm talking about the majority of my exchanges with everyday NY people as opposed to Mainers. "...the people that you meet when you're walking down the street...". When I tried this convo on some fellow natives, they got immediately shockingly defensive. I thought we all already knew? I get it. I am of it. Not these folks, who, ironically, got super pissed, one even popped the Billy idol lip.
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Stress-free condo! TWO BATHROOMS! No slime! Or very little once I leave:) |
I liked it in the land of "How can we help you?" and "Hey! Let me get that!" and "Is there anything more I can do for you?" I softened up. I liked it. A lot. "What? I totally disagree. We help people out all the time. We're just not fake!" That's my favorite, that the immediate conclusion is that if people are pleasant and helpful, interested in having a simple chat- they're fake. Cause why would anybody waste their time hearing your story?! For what? As for my quick adaption...don't we all adapt quickly to an upgrade? Having a cool family we just met on the beach offer me their parking spot when I was alone muling my three boys and 29 beach toys, was a helluvan upgrade. When I made a quip about their offer sounding like the beginning of an episode of Cold Case? They looked confused. Not everyone's a cynic! Upgrade. You may understand the analogy of going back to coach after flying first class. Fresh cotton linens vs polyester? Sex vs abstinence? Clarity vs. confusion? Dependable vs disappearing? Adoption vs foster care? Whatever, dig deep, you will find a comparative circumstance and you will understand. I would love to hear them!
So not only did it feel hectic to be back in the land of the third F, it also felt great. Feels great. It's home and it's an island and I am a beach girl. Maines' beaches are beautiful, easy to access, no crowds, super clean, water as green as sea glass, (albeit cold as a mother refused a beach pass.) Even the seagulls are easy going. They'd stand 20 ft. away while we ate- patiently waiting for a scrap- a NY gull has swooped and swiped a bag of chips out of my hand...more than once. The amount of funny, and many times fascinating conversations I had while sitting and the kids played within eyesight was the way beaching should be. The way the tides come in and out so fast. As if the ocean is being controlled by the turn of a faucet, fastened my belief in God.
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Nothing like South Shores Atlantic |
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Yes, lifeguards look! |
*6:05pm. There's this nebulous intersection on my way back home. It's a fork spear situation only a person with time and the skill to write could describe. (When you find her, tell her to call me!) You can't tell who has the right of way, there's nothing but speeding cars, so at a certain point you just have to call it and gun it. I predicted the next car was going left, when suddenly this Greezeball comes right at me! Seconds from collision, eyeball to eyeball, I could see the writing on his black muscle tee, the snicker on his shiny face. I swerved hard to the right. He went left as I had originally anticipated.
I had to pull over. I could no longer breathe and drive at the same time.
"Did we crash Mama Cute?" Hank, (earth, air) asked.
"No, baby,"I said. "That greasy, 25 year old muscle tee, black car with shady tinted windows, tried to run us off the road, for fun. Like, way to go, cool-boy! Way to try to kill a young mom and three little kids."
"You're not young," Eldest;) calls out from three rows back. I hadn't forgotten him. I was hoping he'd hear how gross guys in muscle tee's were. He wants one and there's no way.
"What?" I looked at him in the rearview mirror.
"You said "young"," he repeated. "You're not young. You're mid."
"What? What's mid?"
"You're mid. You're 40, that's middle. 30's young. If you add 40+40 you're 80, you lived a long life," he explained. "30+30=60 Mom, that's young to die, that'd be like sad. You're 40, you're mid."
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I love you Colbert!!!So handsome, kills me. |
"I'm still getting a muscle tee," he said.
But now I'm stuck on mid. What's the value there. Besides getting back at me for putting the breaks on his mooley shirted dreams?
"Are you guys young?" I ask.
"Oh, yeah, we're really young," he said.
"So if I got killed it wouldn't matter," I said. "But if you guys did it would be sad."
"Oh, my gosh, Mom!" He threw his hands up to his head, what aren't you getting? "If we died it would be way worse than sad, it would be a disaster! It would be like on the news! (Then he settled down and looked out the window.) But yea, if you did...it's like, no offences but it's like whatever."
No 'offences' taken. Totally offended.
Why did I swerve again?
"I'd care Mommy," Julian (fire, earth) said. "I'd care so much."
And that's why I swerve. Plus, a hundred other reasons- but to hear that then in his sweet soft voice, in that moment- I could breathe again. Then Colbert punched him for being a kiss-ass. I loved that. I totally would have done the same thing, even though I felt bad for sweet Jules.
Have a great month everybody. I all F's love you!!! xoxxxooxoxxo