Song: I love a rainy night, by Eddie Rabbit. I remember my mom singing with us in the satin wagon- with no seat belts or car seats. So fun.
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and soon-to-be moms, and to those that miss their moms:) And my soul moms. If I missed a group- Happy to you too! Congratulations Andrea on your newest bundle of joy.
Pop Quiz! Can you say Mom 30x fast? Our 3 year old can. All day. It's such a blast. Not that kind of blast. The sort of atomic blast that severs my nerves. I could use some SOS in the patience department. Where to turn? Take Me To Your Mother, Nickmom.
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Andrea & cast from (our family fave) Old Spices Smellcome to Manhood Commercial |
What doesn't seem ordinary at first are all of the many subsects and brands of mothers out there. Thats where Take Me To Your Mother Takes us. Who knew there were so many camps and styles and practices? Well, okay you did, but do you ever really think about them? Take Me To Your Mother is a way to peak inside, gain some understanding, and feel better, we'll all be okay. Andrea is also in Episodes on Showtime with Matt LeBlanc. She did 3 episodes of it last season and it looks like she'll be back next season. I really couldn't be happier for her. She's one of the good ones.
How we "met":

She wrote a screenplay called "Is It Toast Yet?" How's that for a clever title. She gave me a bunch of parts, and pretended not to mind when I asked her four hundred times how many people thought I was great, even though she kept shrinking the number. She wrote and performed a one-woman show downtown. It was a big place, yet I can't remember the name- fargin Alzies. However, I have never forgotten one of the mannerisms she gave to one of her characters. She was playing a senior citizen- as she was talking, she blew her nose and tucked the tissue into her sleeve. It was so subtle. So true. I love art.
It's a miracle that after all these years we have remained in touch. I don't think either of us ever tried. It just happens. We would run into each other every couple of years. She told me of her show Variety Shac- of course I went, of course the applause was . and then FB has pretty much taken us from 2009 on. It's pretty cool. It's cool because I've gotten the privilege of seeing this determined gutsy funny woman's journey. Andrea is one of the good ones. Always. One of the hardest workers in the game but like she says in answer to my insecure projection (question 2.) "Did it ever feel like the impossible dream?" I never saw her sweat, she was always simply working, doing the best at what she knew she was meant to do. No clawing, no competition actually, which is not easy in the showbiz world. Well, there was that one time when she pulled a mild Naomi Camb, but hey, we all have bad days and she did her community service in high heeled hiking boots and a bikini just like the rest of the working hoes. Kidding, obv. She not only sees beneath the wink but adds on top of it a warmth that makes even the biggest oddball feel understood.
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Love this pic. Target practice. Pronounced french. |
Andrea is perfectly matched to Take Me To Your Mother-she meets people and is not shocked by anything. She is looking to understand and uncover the light, the funny. It's fun. It's wild. It's easy. I couldn't be happier for her if it happened to myself, (but it didn't so fuck her.) Just kidding. This interview has been such a gift. It has made me remember a time in my life I may never have revisited while in a place where I really needed to. Just one more story...as long as I have you here I might as well keep you hostage right?! Once I called her from San Francisco, I quit my day job to be a Beat. William Burroughs? Meet Wilma. Well, turns out it was the late nineties, I missed the Beat generation, by 30 something years- oops. Ok, plan B. I wanted to try stand up- only I had two obstacles. I couldn't leave my apartment and I had no material. I had time to write material, but not leave the apartment. I'd seen a few of Andreas shows at Caroline's. I couldn't understand how she did it; brave, unapologetic, clever and fresh. I gave her a call.
"Just write what you're doing and find a comedy club and perform it." Andrea said. "Find an open mic."
"No can do. Just started a diet, I've gained 20 lbs, I can't get out of bed."
"20lbs made you bedridden?"
"Whenever I'm awake I eat-so I'm trying to stay asleep until it falls off." I said
"20lbs made you bedridden?"
"Whenever I'm awake I eat-so I'm trying to stay asleep until it falls off." I said
"Write that. That's funny. Write that. Go tell people that," she said.
"Why?" I thought she had misheard me. I didn't get it.
"Sleeping to lose weight is funny," she explained.
"Why?" I thought she had misheard me. I didn't get it.
"Sleeping to lose weight is funny," she explained.
I didn't get it. See, that's why I had trouble with comedy. People laughed but I didn't know why. Andrea not only knows why, she is the why. AH? I have no idea what that means. Maybe I'll try it out at Governors one night. Now I get it. That is funny. I'm so happy our paths cross in and out. My last audition was for a bridesemaid in 27 Dresses. I'm donzo. To see a deserved person you adore live hteir dream...well, there's nothing like it.
Sometimes years go by and then we'll see each other and go, "Oh. My. God. You cuhnt say CUHNT in a restaurahhhhnt."
Here are your 5 questions. (More like 10 yikes.) Do what you can…;D
1. Since there have been lapses in our conversation- I'm not sure if this remains true, but it seems to me you have been consistently on the path: hard working, hilarious, so kind and totally focused on making it in the world of entertainment and finding your true love. Yes! We'll get to the love next but did you ever think- this is the impossible dream, I'm going to get a desk job? Did you ever get a desk job?

Wow. You just boiled down The Secret into 20 words or less. You rock. Genius finds the easist way to do everything- Mark Twain (I'm guessing.) I am so glad you believed. Yeah, waitressing is not a desk job- HR, PR, CPR, Insurance sales...maybe? Whose next in line! I was just about to comment on how Insanely tired/ loopy I am- and then I remembered you have a 2 day old baby. Baby love is the best.
2. Speaking of the love. How did you meet your huz?
I met him on a commercial and I loved him right away. He had just "gotten a girlfriend", and they stayed together for a few YEARS!!!! But we became friends. And eventually the timing worked out. And that was that. He's the best!
3. You said you loved Oprah when she put you in O magazine. Will you feel the same way about SpunkerFLY Woman of The Month? I mean we're kinda similar, no?
4. See how patience comes in handy folks? I wish this interview was in person, so many openings. OKAY, Is what huz does compatible with your career?
He does a lot of improv and he is super funny and grounded and smart. OMG I think he's a genius. But he's not the kind of smart that makes someone not as smart (moi) feel not as smart. You know what I mean? He just did a pilot. And if it gets picked up, I'm going to buy a Vitamix Blender!!!!
4a)IMPROV! I love improv. Do you remember seeing each other on this Improv audition? The set up was "you're the worst blind date, you arrived ten minutes late-go." You sat down yawned, stretched your arms over your head and said, "Sorry I'm late, I've been hooking all night." I almost wet my pants. I hadn't seen you in years, but I still knew two things, 1.) I couldn't get enough of you 2.) I didn't get the job. hahah
* Pilot got picked up!! MARRY ME by NBC! YEEDEEDEEDEE!! Vitamix for you! VITAMIX for me!! I googled it and fell in love.
5. What's the biggest surprise about having your own show? Being featured in Oprah? And now Spunkerfly?(hehe) When it rains is pours. Plus, you are due with your second child soon… I'm tired just asking these questions. You're amazing. I need a nap.
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Exactly! I just love her. |
We emailed this interview 3 weeks ago. I am so happy Andrea had a safe and healthy delivery. A baby boy! He's so lucky.
Thank you so much for being in my life for all of these years. I hope I did a good job. I am bleary eyed, pulled an all nighter. Guilt trip? what would be Mother's day without one.
Happy Mother's Day!! MUAH!! xoAndrea, You forever bring a smile to everyone you see, no doubt we will be seeing lots more of you. You are FLY.