By Susan Saraf

By Susan Saraf

Sunday, December 30, 2012

I Like Big Teeth!

I'm being called to blog. Again. I know, I know, you can't believe your luck. Well, believe it.  Some time has been freed up-My Little Studios is reorganizing-so here I is.  Hallelujah. I would say I'm being called to write but I had not stopped writing- just posting.

I swallowed my left eye tooth on Christmas morning. I looked classy and cute for Christmas dinner at my sisters. Nothing says, "indulge in the prosperity of the season" better than sitting next to a toothless mother-of-three-under-seven.  I like that and made sure to smile ear to ear thru out.  No one said anything, probably the best part.  No actually, that's not what happened.  In reality, I told of my swallowed crown right after the holiday hug and blocked the gap with my tongue whenever a grin escaped.  My hide-the-gap smile reminded me of one I've seen friends employ when dealing with a cold sore- a euphenism for oral herpes outbreak. By the grace of God, I've never had a herpes outbreak, but now I can say I understand the facial contortions that go along with the open oral sores.  The gifts of life never cease.

Naturally, we were talking about teeth at dinner. I noticed my brother in-laws brothers wifes' teeth. Got that?
     "You have great teeth." I said.
     "Really? I feel like they're so big."
     "I like big teeth." I said.
And then we locked eyes and a modern-day musical broke-out to the tune of Sir Mix-A-Lot's I like Big Butts.  Probably similar to the one that just happened in your head if you're in tune;)

Her husband, Chris and I busted out in unison-
     "I like big teeth and I can not lie!" We shouted.
     "My ortho-dent-ist don't want none- unless you got gums -hun." I ran. "You can floss and even whiten - but please don't grind those teef..."
And then it died.
But that really did happen unlike my imaginary ear to ear toothless smiles to make everyone uncomf... and that was fun.

Interesting what makes a person attractive.  A matter of millimeters I always say.  Yes, I always say that.   Where ever I go I introduce myself and then say, "A matter of millimeters." Do you think that bothers people? I never stop to ask.  But seriously, think about it.  You see people all the time, our imperfections are the vestiges of our charm:) BUT if only a nostril was shifted a millimeter to the left, or their eyes separated just a millimeter more...they'd be gettin' paper for those looks or for the millimeterly blessed -that L'Oreal contract would be completely out of reach if the distance between their upper lip and tip of their nose were just a millimeter off. If their lips were just less plump. Cheeks a bit caved. Chin protruded or not there at all. Forehead a five head.  You get the drift...

And I can't even get into inches...that's a whole other universe...too much said and to be said for the inches.

Then there is the matter of beauty only being skin deep.  Whoever said that?  Beauty is not skin deep. Beauty is as deep as the bottom of your soul and as wide as the air around you.  And I know what the phrase means. But I think it forgets energy. The energy we radiate is louder than image. Now giving it some thought- ahem-basically that is what it means but I have fallen in love with my phrasing up there so let's pretend I don't get it, so that I can keep it. Dumb and happy, that's me! I agree BUT I don't think you have to wait to get to truly know a person to get a good read on their energy-that is primal survival stuff. There are people whose millimeters and inches are all off but whose energy is so on-we are attracted to them like a clothes horse to a sample sale.   They are interested in being of service, in what they can contribute. Personally, I like both. I like you to look good and act right.  Yet, I can't say I'm a shining example of looking good and acting right.  Many times I look bad and act worse.  Rarely do I get into that aspirational zone. But...I try.  There are those in-between.  Then there are those who are exponentially consumed with their own attractiveness-we can only be repulsed. You know who I mean.  Those that are centered on self.  The person who thinks about themselves all of everyday.  The one who has primped, plucked, puckered, pumped and purchased every thing in their power to impress the mirror that they can't concentrate on anything but competing with their own grandeur- and yours. That actually blocks true beauty from coming out. We can't get a read on it, because it's all covered up with pretense or plastic surgery. It is sad. (Until the day I get plastic surgery and then it will be awesome!) But there's enough sad and boring in the world- let's celebrate the beauty of it.

I like big teeth!

...and big noses... rub like eskimoses....

Happy New Year!! 2013!  <3

ps- in light of accuracy, i swallowed the molar behind my left eye tooth. some literary license there...;)

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