Song: Chasing Pavements by Adele.
This post is dedicated to my friend Mary who always says she would like to spend ten minutes in my mind (and not a minute more). Here's a snippet from my weekend trip to Los Angeles. I hope you get something out of what may only amount to a dizzying whirl around my brain.
"Mama, Is the Easter Bunny half man, half bunny?" My son, Colbert, 6, hollars an inch from my face as if it's 7:30 a.m. in New York and not 4:30 a.m. California time. We are in California, it's been two days but he's not adjusted.
"No." I whisper, eyes quickly shutting after being shocked out of sleep. "He's all bunny."
"THEN WHY IS HE LIKE FIVE FEET TALL?!" He asks, exasperated.
I start laughing. I've never thought of that.
"And what does he do the rest of the year? Does he just hang out with Santa Claus and The Tooth Fairy and Cupid?" He is serious. He wants an answer. This could go on until 5a.m., forever.
"I don't know, baby, I think Cupid works all year." I am starting to wake up and connect, "Actually, The Tooth Fairy probably works all year too."
"Yeah, prollaly." He agrees, cuddling in.
So much about this exchange had me thinking. How come I never questioned why the Easter Bunny is "like five feet tall"? He can't be real, real bunnies don't grow to five feet and carry a basket and stand up and shake hands at parades. I don't even have to Google "Bunnies" to know that. I mean I have known forever that he's not real, in fact, he's been me for years, but I never thought about how tall he was, a dead giveaway. And Cupid? How does he know about Cupid? I love Cupid. Speaking of, how come this is my pillow talk? Hunh? Cupid? Chest pump and bump.
Cause I'm the luckiest, that's why <3.
No, Cupid's not the thing, there's something here about the Easter Bunny that I need to figure out. Or at least trip over until I fall back to sleep. How many Easter Bunnies are in my life? People, things or ideas that can't possibly be real but that I accept as such, things I never question? How about relationships that are about as real as the Easter Bunny? A couple come to mind. A girl who tells me she's my best friend but doesn't know the name of my blog or that I had another baby, I just laugh, go along with it, that's okay, she's fun, she's not my best friend but if she thinks I'm hers, what do I care?
I get a lot out of the Easter Bunnies in my life. Not everything has to be so black and white and sterile. I love the romance of the Easter Bunny. Delightful and temporary. That a big fat fluffy rabbit used to come and leave me a basket of sugary treats, made my month. Now that I am the Easter Bunny, it makes my day (hectic)!
That a situation may also be a lot of big fat fluff is okay, too. I mean, of course, finding out that something, or worse someone, you thought was real, is in actuality an Easter Bunny always stings, but it shouldn't break your heart. It's not like finding out your husband is a serial killer or your mother was duped by a Ponzi scheme. It's a wake-up call not a bucket of ice over the head. It's not Santa. It might be The X-factor audition and Simon telling you you are horrid, miserable. It might be an imagined fling. Like my friend who thought she was having this complicated romance as the guy in question is posting pictures of his girlfriend on Facebook... nope not complicated, not in existence! He showed up resembling a relationship, cute, kind and chatty, and she began to fantasize that something more magical was happening. Game show "X". Like the Easter Bunny, he's kind of a bunny, but really he's just a man in a fun get-up, a symbol of youth perhaps fertility. An Easter Bunny is a situation that might best be looked at as an important reality check. It's important to have big dreams and a vision, it's fun! Just keep it real so you don't get too wrapped up and end up living in a fantasy land. Hey, Alice in Wonderland, feel free to fall in the rabbit hole, there's a lot to learn down there! Just come out! So it's a situation where all you have to do is ask yourself one or two obvious questions to get your answer. Why is he like five feet tall then? What does he do the rest of the year? Does she know the name of my blog? Or my baby?
I have a fondness for my Easter Bunnies, they continue to serve me. Deep down I know what's real. And there's really nothing wrong with a five foot tall person in a rabbit suit pretending to be a bunny. Unless of course, you try to go home with him.. And then his pink ears and his big white head come off and it's a little Japanese man. That could be confusing, and potentially dangerous, but maybe it could be great! You may end up with really satisfying pillow talk. That's up to Cupid <3.
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This post is dedicated to my friend Mary who always says she would like to spend ten minutes in my mind (and not a minute more). Here's a snippet from my weekend trip to Los Angeles. I hope you get something out of what may only amount to a dizzying whirl around my brain.
"Mama, Is the Easter Bunny half man, half bunny?" My son, Colbert, 6, hollars an inch from my face as if it's 7:30 a.m. in New York and not 4:30 a.m. California time. We are in California, it's been two days but he's not adjusted.
"No." I whisper, eyes quickly shutting after being shocked out of sleep. "He's all bunny."

I start laughing. I've never thought of that.
"And what does he do the rest of the year? Does he just hang out with Santa Claus and The Tooth Fairy and Cupid?" He is serious. He wants an answer. This could go on until 5a.m., forever.
"I don't know, baby, I think Cupid works all year." I am starting to wake up and connect, "Actually, The Tooth Fairy probably works all year too."
"Yeah, prollaly." He agrees, cuddling in.
So much about this exchange had me thinking. How come I never questioned why the Easter Bunny is "like five feet tall"? He can't be real, real bunnies don't grow to five feet and carry a basket and stand up and shake hands at parades. I don't even have to Google "Bunnies" to know that. I mean I have known forever that he's not real, in fact, he's been me for years, but I never thought about how tall he was, a dead giveaway. And Cupid? How does he know about Cupid? I love Cupid. Speaking of, how come this is my pillow talk? Hunh? Cupid? Chest pump and bump.
Cause I'm the luckiest, that's why <3.
No, Cupid's not the thing, there's something here about the Easter Bunny that I need to figure out. Or at least trip over until I fall back to sleep. How many Easter Bunnies are in my life? People, things or ideas that can't possibly be real but that I accept as such, things I never question? How about relationships that are about as real as the Easter Bunny? A couple come to mind. A girl who tells me she's my best friend but doesn't know the name of my blog or that I had another baby, I just laugh, go along with it, that's okay, she's fun, she's not my best friend but if she thinks I'm hers, what do I care?
I get a lot out of the Easter Bunnies in my life. Not everything has to be so black and white and sterile. I love the romance of the Easter Bunny. Delightful and temporary. That a big fat fluffy rabbit used to come and leave me a basket of sugary treats, made my month. Now that I am the Easter Bunny, it makes my day (hectic)!
That a situation may also be a lot of big fat fluff is okay, too. I mean, of course, finding out that something, or worse someone, you thought was real, is in actuality an Easter Bunny always stings, but it shouldn't break your heart. It's not like finding out your husband is a serial killer or your mother was duped by a Ponzi scheme. It's a wake-up call not a bucket of ice over the head. It's not Santa. It might be The X-factor audition and Simon telling you you are horrid, miserable. It might be an imagined fling. Like my friend who thought she was having this complicated romance as the guy in question is posting pictures of his girlfriend on Facebook... nope not complicated, not in existence! He showed up resembling a relationship, cute, kind and chatty, and she began to fantasize that something more magical was happening. Game show "X". Like the Easter Bunny, he's kind of a bunny, but really he's just a man in a fun get-up, a symbol of youth perhaps fertility. An Easter Bunny is a situation that might best be looked at as an important reality check. It's important to have big dreams and a vision, it's fun! Just keep it real so you don't get too wrapped up and end up living in a fantasy land. Hey, Alice in Wonderland, feel free to fall in the rabbit hole, there's a lot to learn down there! Just come out! So it's a situation where all you have to do is ask yourself one or two obvious questions to get your answer. Why is he like five feet tall then? What does he do the rest of the year? Does she know the name of my blog? Or my baby?
I have a fondness for my Easter Bunnies, they continue to serve me. Deep down I know what's real. And there's really nothing wrong with a five foot tall person in a rabbit suit pretending to be a bunny. Unless of course, you try to go home with him.. And then his pink ears and his big white head come off and it's a little Japanese man. That could be confusing, and potentially dangerous, but maybe it could be great! You may end up with really satisfying pillow talk. That's up to Cupid <3.
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1 comment:
And why does he bring eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs. That's the part that always confused me. And maybe that's how you can tell if someone in your life is an Easter Bunny: Inexplicable eggs.
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