By Susan Saraf

By Susan Saraf

Thursday, August 4, 2011


All the talk about the Debt Ceiling had me thinking about my own financial ways. I wasn't taught to spend foolishly, preferably, not at all. Last week, end of July, I showed my mother the one tunic I bought all summer on sale at The Rack and her response was "Where are you getting all this money?"  I was tempted to look over my shoulder for a Benz with tinted windows and fifty inch chrome spinning rims, license plate, FlowYO...Well, not really, but I'm hoping that's funny.

In my mind I'm restrained when it comes to spending therefore I don't need any additional watchdogs barking at my wallet. Kinda how I feel like since I push a stroller on the sand most days I shouldn't have to go to the gym. Yet I can't seem to save any mula or firm up my "core". So, a gal turned me on to, a budgeting application that along with a flow graph and tracking devices, divides all your spendies up into a pie chart, making everything easy to see.  I heard about the app a while back before I downloaded it. I was skeptical because the word budget, like listening to Jean Chatzky, gives me hives. However, after only two months I am gobsmacked. It shows that whether I have five dollars or five thousand, it's spent the same- in a careless, necessity last gust that leaves me thrilled but no wiser. 

I didn't even know what I was spending on. Here's a for instance for ya-we live close to a Home Goods. Now, I could sware I didn't even enter the joint in the last eight weeks, but according to my Mint pie chart, we could move to a more sizable house with a more sizable mortgage and as long as it isn't within a bird call of Home Goods we'd be in clover.  Like in everything else, awareness is the first unlocked door to success. Now, I'm thinking of more important goals, that master bath I mentioned in Souther, college funds, (a second tunic?), not to mention donating lots to the famished in the Horn of Africa for starters and I'm not going to get them met wasting good coin on picture frames and throw pillows. So, check it out.  I hope it can help, but the license plate FlowYO, is all mine.... Funny yet? Eh.

Good Week!! Savey no spendy!! And never ever lendy!! jk. xx

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